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Abstract Submissions Open for 2024 Virtual Nursology Theory Week

Deadline for submission: December 1, 2023 midnight EST

The theme for the 2024 conference will be “Nursology Theory Think Tanks for the Future.” As you develop your abstract, consider pressing questions and issues that call for creative and innovative approaches and that prompt collective discussion and solutions based on the fundamental knowledge of our discipline. Visit the conference website for the latest information!

Please use this form to submit an abstract for the Virtual Nursology Theory Week to be held from March 21-25, 2024.

Each session will be 30 minutes long; we recommend 20 minutes to present plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion.

We will also have an ongoing poster session during the five days of the conference. Please indicate if you would like to be selected for a podium presentation, poster session, or either, depending on conference needs.

All presenters must register and attend the virtual event. If there are co-presenters, all presenters must register. Co-authors on a project, who will not be attending the VNTW, can be listed on the abstract and thanked in an acknowledgement, but they will not be listed as presenters on the conference program that is published in Guidebook. On this form, please only list co-presenters who will be registering for and attending the VNTW.

Note that you need to have all the information compiled before filling out this form; once you start filling out the information you need to complete and submit. It is not possible to save the form and return to it later to finish.

Abstract submission form
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