Hall’s Care, Core, Cure Theory

Contributor: Peggy Chinn
August 23, 2018

Author – Lydia E Hall, RN, BS, MS
Year First Published – 1966

Wayne, G. (2014, September 16). Lydia Hall – Care, Cure, Core Nursing Theory – Nurseslabs. Retrieved August 25, 2018, from https://nurseslabs.com/lydia-e-halls-care-cure-core-theory/

Major Concepts

The patient is a unity composed of the following three overlapping parts: (1) a person (the core aspect), (2) a pathologic condition and treatment (the cure aspect), (3) and a body (the care aspect).
Self-actualization and self-love.
Patient learning.


Theoretical Framework

Brief Description (with illustration)

The nurse is a bodily caregiver. Provision of bodily care allows the nurse to comfort and learn the patient’s pathologic condition, treatment aspect, and person. Understanding, resulting from the integration of all three areas, allows the nurse to be an effective teacher and nurturer. The patient learns and is nurtured in the person (i.e., in the core aspect). Nurturance leads to effective rehabilitation, greater levels of self-actualization, and self-love.

Nursing occurs during one of two phases of medical care. Phase 1 medical care is the diagnostic and treatment phase; phase 2 is the evaluative, follow-up phase. The professional nurse’s role is in phase 2, and professional nursing practice requires a setting in which patients are free to learn. In phase 2 the nurse’s goal is to help the patient learn. Motivation to learn is ensured by advocating the patient’s learning goals and not the doctor’s curative goals. Once patient learning goals are co-determined with the nurse and motivation is therefore ensured, the patient will learn, and nurturance, rehabilitation, and self-love will follow. The overall goal for the patient is rehabilitation, which inspires a greater measure of self-actualization and self-love. (adapted from Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. (2018). Knowledge Development in Nursing: Theory and Process (10th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier.)

Primary Source

Hall, L. E. (1966). Another view of nursing care and quality. In K. M. Straub & K. S. Parker (Eds.), Continuity in patient care: The role of nursing. Washington, DC: Catholic University Press.


Lydia E. Hall (1906-1969)

Lydia Hall was always interested in rehabilitative nursing and the role that the professional nurse played in the patient’s recovery and welfare. She spent her early years as a registered nurse working for the Life Extension Institute of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in Pennsylvania and New York where the main focus was on preventative health. She also had the opportunity to work for the New York Heart Association from 1935 to 1940. In 1941, she became a staff nurse with the Visiting Nurses Association of New York and stayed there until 1947. Hall also managed to be an advocate of community involvement in public health issues. And in 1950, she became a professor at Teacher’s College at Columbia, where taught nursing students to function as medical consultants. She was also a research analyst in the field of cardiovascular disease. She became involved in the establishment of the Loeb Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation at the Montefiore Medical Center (MMC) in the Bronx, New York,  and served as its first Director. From her experience at Loeb Center, she developed her “care, core, cure” framework, which also emerged formally as the model upon when rehabilitative care was based.